Dope People

Season 3 Episode 32 - Ms. Toya Carter

Big Stew, Scott Steward, Professor Steward Season 3 Episode 10

She is #DopePeople.
 Toya Carter better known as Ms. Carter has lived in East Harlem for over 40 years.  She is a former NYC public school teacher with a Master’s Degree in education as well as a license in early childhood and elementary grades.  With over 20 years of teaching in the Department of Education, she recognized the deficiencies of preschool students entering Pre-K.

This prompted her to found Carter’s Day Care, the bridge between the community and families serving as a liaison; providing quality, and nurturing learning in a safe environment. Her goal is to prepare students for higher learning by developing every child’s cognitive, social-emotional, and physical well-being starting at the early age of one.  

In addition, she realized the importance of parental involvement which lead her to create The E.P.I.C Project (Empowering Parental Involvement Coalition). EPIC’s mission is to empower parents to build strong relationships with their children and strengthen the partnership with their child’s schools. Families will develop their capacity to fully support their children’s academic, social, emotional, and behavioral skills to lead them to success. The E.P.I.C Project offers parent workshops that provide the tools needed to collaboratively build the village to prepare our children for a successful future.

Furthermore, Ms. Carter is invested in her community, so she started, The Harlem Clean Up. HCU brings awareness to change the behaviors of preventing litter and instilling neighborhood pride while bringing communities together to do good by keeping it clean and giving back. 

We model these behaviors by organizing clean-up programs and give-back events that show communities to “Love Where You Live”. We encourage residents to take ownership by participating, changing the narrative, and doing the work to keep the community clean, safe and beautiful.

Toya Carter is invested in the community and children; this allows her to bring a unique experience to every family and community she serves.

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